Noroff Accelerate offers a range of tech-courses giving you the opportunity to upskill or reskill yourself through an accelerated and engaging learning experience. 

Noroff is a Norwegian educational institution focusing on closing the gap in tech skillsNoroff delivers employability by focusing on real skills and industry demand. 

Thousands of students have graduated from our University College and Vocational School over the last decades.  

Now we introduce Noroff Accelerate. 

Accelerate is for working professionals that want to update their knowledge and improve their skills to further their career.  

The development in most digital industries is immense, and the need to stay updated and continuously develop your tech skills is key to success in most jobs.  

That is where Accelerate comes in. 

We offer a range of courses, providing fast paced and hands-on learning for working professionals.  

You can join one of our instructor-led bootcamps or sign up for one of the many self-paced online courses currently being developed.  

Accelerate is not about credits and degrees. It is about actual skills and employability, focused on meeting the industry needs of tomorrow. 

We have a team of highly qualified instructors, with broad and relevant industry experience. Their constructive feedback, combined with modern, fast paced learning techniques, will get you learning faster than you have ever experienced before. 

Noroff have focused on tech and digital media for years, working closely with the industry to design courses that will provide the participants with skills that meets the industry needs of toworrow. 

Du you want to update your knowledge or learn new skills? 

Check out our next courses. 

