Frontend-utvikling på Noroff

Higher Professional Degree

Front-End Development

Study Online or On Campus in Norway

The technology education where visual design meets coding, web, and UX design. The high demand for front-end developers opens doors to a diverse career in IT and design.

Online Studies

13 August 2024 More startups

15 October 2024

7 January 2025

11 March 2025

2 years full time | 4 years part time

Full time: NOK 44.000,- per semester
Part time: NOK 22.000,- per semester

State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen)


12 August 2024

2 years full time

NOK 62.000,- per semester
NOK 1.900,- registration fee

State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen)

Why Study front-end development?

As a front-end developer, you write the code behind what you can see and interact with when you open a website, a program, or an app. Education in front-end development will provide you with expertise in basic design principles, universal design, and user experiences. After completing the programme, you can work in design agencies, IT companies, software houses, media houses, or communications companies.

Along the way, you will be introduced to relevant industry tools, including JavaScript. Used in combination with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is essential for creating dynamic and interactive web solutions and is essential to master. During your studies, you will work on relevant assignments and gain practical experience that can be applied in your future career.

Career Opportunities

After completing the Front-end Development program, you can pursue jobs such as:

  • Application Developer
  • Frontend Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Interaction Designer
  • Frontend Architect
  • Consultant
  • Entrepreneur
Maria Eilertsen er frontend-utvikler i Gjensidige

Maria is a Front-end Developer at Gjensidige

Programme information

The program's central focus is on developing the interface between customer experience and system development. The products developed during the study period should combine aesthetic appeal, functionality, and precise technical execution. You will receive thorough instruction in design processes, interaction design, and programming to achieve this holistic approach.

The main goal of the study is to ensure practical mastery of skills, and the teaching is largely based on practical work with tasks that reflect industry requirements. You will gain insight into the principles of entrepreneurship, as a career as a frontend developer requires expertise in workflow, automation, and efficiency in both work processes and final products.

The final project exam is a demonstration of students' competence, and the result can be used as an attachment to job applications or as a tangible proposal for production in the industry. This integrated study approach ensures not only theoretical understanding but also provides you with the necessary practical experience and insight crucial for a successful career in frontend development.

First-year subjects:

  • Design
  • HTML and CSS
  • Project methodology
  • Semester Project
  • Javascript 1
  • Agency 1
  • Project Exam 1
  • Portfolio 1

Second-year subjects:

  • CSS Frameworks
  • Javascript 2
  • Workflow
  • Semester Project 2
  • Industry Knowledge
  • Development Platforms
  • Javascript Frameworks
  • Project Exam 2
  • Portfolio 2
School: Noroff Higher Vocational College (Noroff Fagskole)
Application deadline: Continuous admission. Applications are processed in the order they are submitted.
Language of instruction: English online. Norwegian/English on campus
Accreditations: Approved for loans and grants from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen). Accredited by NOKUT.
Degree: Higher Professional Degree
Credits: 120 ECVET

Hardware and software

We recommend the following:

  • 500 GB Hard Disk (or 250 GB + cloud storage: e.g., Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive (recommended).
  • 8 GB RAM.
  • Core i5 or M1 processor.
  • Both PC and Mac can be used, as it is also done in the industry.

It is desirable for students to use their machines, but there are also desktop machines on campus that can be used. As a campus student, you will receive all necessary licenses on your private machine.

Noroff has ongoing admissions, and applications are processed in the order they are received. The earlier you apply, the earlier you can secure a study place.

To qualify for the program, you must have general study competence or vocational education with a professional certificate. It is also possible to apply based on recognized prior learning.

For international students, depending upon which country you have received your education from, the requirements will differ. Please use this website where you can find the specific requirements for your country at the bottom of the page.

You can read more about admission requirements here.

All our study programs are approved for loans and grants from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen). You can apply to the Loan Fund for basic support (loan and grant; NOK 137,907) and tuition fees (NOK 74,366).

As an adult student, you can receive loans and grants from the State Educational Loan Fund. This also applies if you work while studying.

As a main rule, you must be a Norwegian citizen to receive support from the Norwegian State Educational Fund. However, foreign citizens may also be entitled to financial support. Check here to see if you are eligible.

You can read more about payment, loans, and grants here. 

What is the Difference Between Back-end and Front-end?

Noroff offers study programs in both Front-end Development and Back-end Development. Choosing between these programs may be challenging. Here you will find help to navigate through the fields of front-end and back-end development.

Difference between på Back-end and Front-end

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