Noroff Higher Vocational College
At Noroff you can begin to hone your digital expertise by higher vocational education that is aimed at the industries in which you wish to build your future. We educate first movers.
Noroff Higher Vocational College has campuses in Oslo, Bergen, Kristiansand and Stavanger. The start of semester is in August, when you will already be hands-on.
The higher vocational education will present you with relevant challenges through classroom teaching, self-study, guest lectures and a close collaboration with and insight into industry and commerce and the market. Our reading lists reflect the digital need of tomorrow.
Consider a learning environment where you and your fellow students voluntarily and enthusiastically remain on campus after the end of a day of teaching. Because you want to be better. Even better. Because you want to learn more, to perfect your skills. We guarantee that being prepared will become second nature. Every day.
You have exciting and insightful years ahead of you. A higher vocational education at Noroff will be one of the elements that form the rest of your professional life. Our students acquaint themselves with many current and future employers at an early stage and every year the curriculum is updated to be congruent with corresponding industry standards.
It will probably feel like you are already in employment a number of times over the course of the academic year. All our professionally competent teachers and lecturers greet each new day with a passion to give you that feeling.
The majority of educational programs are also available as online studies with programmes starting up four times a year. All documentation and learning material is digitally available to all students.
The higher vocational education awards credits where 60 credits is equivalent to one year of education. All of our educational programs are accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) and have been approved for student loans and grants by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Statens Lånekasse for utdanning). The two-year educational program can be extended by a third study year abroad, leading to a bachelor’s degree.
The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research recently announced the new degree titles for higher vocational programs. These are professional degree for one year programs (60 and 90 credits) and higher professional degree for two year programs (120 credits).
Together with the Swedish school Nackademin, Noroff is part of a larger Nordic Partnership.