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Prof. Iain Sutherland, B.Sc. (Hons.) M.Sc. Ph.D. MBCS.

- Professor, Digital Forensics (digital etterforskning)
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Professor Iain Sutherland er en anerkjent ekspert på området dataetterforskning og datarekonstruksjon. Han har skrevet en rekke artikler om alt fra etterforskningspraksis og prosedyre for utvikling av rettsmedisinske. I tillegg til å være aktivt involvert i forskning på dette området, har professor Sutherland undervist dataetterforskning på både lavere og høyere nivå. Han har rådført ved rettsmedisinske saker for politi og kommersielle organisasjoner.
Prof. Sutherland’s research interests are in the area of forensics practice and procedure, and device security and forensics. He has supervised and examined a number of PhD students in topics varying from the procedures relating to the investigation of Identity Theft to forensic examination of the Windows Registry.
Professor Sutherland has performed consultancy for the following organisations:
Various UK Government agencies.
Various UK Law Enforcement agenciesRECENT PUBLICATIONS
Carthy L., Little R., Øvensen E., Sutherland I., Read H.O.L. (2018) Committing the perfect crime: A teaching perspective. 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 28 - 29 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
Nor G., Sutherland I., Blyth A.J.C. (2018) Concepts of Automating Forensic Case Management. 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 28 - 29 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
Awasthi A, Read H.O.L, Xynos K Sutherland I., (2018) Forensic Analysis of the Almond+ Smart Home Hub Environment: First Impressions, Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) -USA Rhode Island, July 15-18, 2018.
Member of the BCS