Lately, there have been numerous cyber attacks targeting Norway. Competence in IT security is therefore highly sought after and will become even more crucial in the future.

Cyber threats are on the rise, and given Norway is technologically advanced, there is the potential for more focused cyber attacks.Emlyn Butterfield

According to the report from the Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM) on this year's threat landscape Norway has serious shortcomings in handling extensive cyber attacks. We spoke with Noroff's Head of Computing, Emlyn Butterfield, about the situation in Norway regarding IT security. He talks about a digitized world that has led to a greater risk of cyber attacks.

- A simple click of a link can lead to catastrophic events within an organisation, he says.

While information on avoiding scams or hacking online has been available for a long time, cyber attacks no longer look the way they used to.

- The cyber arena now includes countries attacking countries - moving away from physical warfare. The increased sophistication and potential for attacks increases the threat for all countries, and increases the need for specialists to secure and protect systems, Butterfield says.

He continues regarding Norway's situation:

- Given Norway is technologically advanced, there is the potential for more focused cyber attacks.

Zero-day Vulnerabilities

According to the NSM report, one of the reasons Norway finds itself in a vulnerable situation because of zero-day vulnerabilities. Zero-day vulnerabilities refer to weaknesses in a program or system unknown to the software producer. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain access to a system or take control of it. These attacks are highly dangerous, as they cannot be detected or handled by conventional security solutions.

Due to the need, and specialisation, the positions often have very competitive salaries and benefits.Emlyn Butterfield

Butterfield confirms these concerns.

- With the increase in the use of technology, and the demand and drive for the latest software and hardware, there is the chance for more errors and vulnerabilities to exist; vulnerabilities which are unknown and subsequently exploited.


📷: Emlyn Butterfield, Head of Computing. Photo: Private.

Not Enough Experts

Another critical point in the NSM report is that Norway has too few experts in IT security. There is a significant need for this competence in both the public and private sectors. The NSM estimates that around 10,000 more IT experts are needed in Norway before 2026. This is a significant challenge, as it is difficult to recruit enough qualified candidates.

- These experts are needed to implement defensive mechanisms to protect the systems under their control; this is a complex tasks and not something that is easily implemented.

Butterfield continues:

- Due to the need, and specialisation, the positions often have very competitive salaries and benefits, reflecting the high demand and skill gap in this field.

The demand for professionals in this field is high across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and technology. The high demand, therefore, provides many opportunities for those choosing to study in this field.

Noroff Offers Several Education Programs Within the Field of IT Security

Noroff is one of the leading players regarding education in IT security. We offer various education programs in network and IT security, cybersecurity, digital forensics, and similar fields.

- We offer a curriculum that allows students to develop relevant and practical skills in defending and attacking systems and networks. The hands-on experience is essential for developing practical skills, making students more employable, Butterfield says.

Noroff provides exciting and relevant programs in Cyber Security, Applied Data Science, Digital Assurance and Security Management and Digital Forensics.

Relevant programs

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