Dennis is a passionate student of Network and IT Security at Noroff University. He has immersed himself into the universe of online education, the thrill of IT security, and the art of balancing academics with real-world challenges.

During 2022 Dennis Esguerra (40) began his studies within Network and IT Security. He has now completed one out of two years, and is excited about the road ahead.

- It's like being a digital detective. The technology is always evolving. There's a constant battle between the security experts and the hackers, which means there's always something new to learn and explore. It's like a never-ending puzzle that keeps your brain engaged, Dennis says.

Guardians of the Internet

Studying Network and IT Security is like learning how to be the superhero of the digital world.Dennis Esguerra

With the entire world online, the need for protecting sensitive information is paramount. The shortage of cybersecurity experts means vast job opportunities await those inclined towards this field. But for Dennis it's not just about the lucrative pay; it's the satisfaction of knowing you're ensuring people's data remains secure.

- It's that awesome feeling you get when you know you're keeping the bad guys out of important systems. You're like the guardian of the Internet.

Dennis points out that another perk of the industry is that you get to explore new technology and new trends, long before anyone else.

- You get to stay ahead of the latest tech trends and hacker tricks, which, let's be honest, is pretty exciting.

Flexibility and Global Connections

The Network and IT Security student is very pleased with his decision to study online. Dennis believes that online education provides unmatched flexibility. Learning happens from the comfort of your own space, whether it's your cozy bedroom or at the park. The freedom to study at your own pace is a game-changer, allowing you to balance your studies with work, social life, and other responsibilities effectively.

- You can literally learn from anywhere, whether you're chilling at home or sipping coffee at a café.


📷: Dennis can take his online courses anywhere he wants. Photo: private.

In addition to being flexible, studying online also comes with other benefits. Dennis speaks of an online community that is vibrant.

- You can connect with fellow students from around the globe, share ideas, and learn from different perspectives. It's like having a study group that never sleeps!

Another positive experience with online studies has been the presence of the teachers.

- The follow-up from our teachers has been fantastic. They are incredibly keen to help us with any questions or problems we might have regarding our lessons or projects. The best part is that they are always there to assist us, Dennis says.

Baker by Day, Student by Night

You can literally learn from anywhere, whether you're chilling at home or sipping coffee at a café.Dennis Esguerra

As Dennis is balancing a part-time job as a baker with online studies, it demands effective time management. Setting specific study hours and creating a focused learning environment have been crucial to him.

- Balancing work as a baker and online school can be pretty hectic, but it's all about finding the right rhythm. It's like having these two worlds that I love, and I don't want to give up either.

He continues:

- Plus, the support from my wife, family, professors, and classmates keeps me motivated. It's a juggling act, but hey, I love a good challenge!

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Network and It Security Enthusiasts

To budding network and IT security enthusiasts, Dennis offers some advice;

- To all the new students out there, my advice would be this: first and foremost, stay curious and keep asking questions.

He continues:

- Time management is key, too. Prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and don't forget to make time for yourself to relax and recharge. Also, embrace the challenges. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone; that's where the magic happens.

Lastly, Dennis has a very important message for all new students:

- Celebrate your successes, no matter how small it might seem, like passing the exams or having high grades. Stay positive, stay motivated, and enjoy the journey.

Network and IT Security at Noroff is a practical IT education that teaches you to prevent hacking and computer crime. The program is offered online with the first possible start date being January 9th, 2024.

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